¿Cuál es el origen del Día de la Madre? Descubre nuestro Pack Especial

What is the origin of Mother's Day? Discover our Special Pack

Mother's day is coming! And at Itemporality we wanted to create a special pack to make your bond even stronger: A heart-shaped 925 Sterling silver necklace and matching earrings plated in yellow gold.

The heart symbol, although it has always been generally used to express love, also represents feelings of brotherhood, solidarity or unconditional support . Now you can wear it together and feel more united than ever.

Did you know that Mother's Day is an ancient tradition?

In Spain, Mother's Day has been celebrated on the first Sunday in May since 1965, but its origin dates back 3,000 years. Already in ancient Greece, ancient Rome and ancient Egypt we find ceremonies of worship and homage to the goddess Rhea, the goddess Cybele and the goddess Isis respectively.

With Catholicism, the Virgin Mary began to be honored and it was in 1854 when it was decided to define December 8 for this celebration, this date coinciding with the Immaculate Conception.

Already in the 17th century, in England, Mothering Sunday was celebrated, also relating it to the Virgin. It was the day of the week in which children went to mass and afterwards, brought gifts for their mothers, and it was also a holiday for all workers.

In the United States, in the 20th century, activists Julia Ward Howe and Ann Jarvis , strong defenders of women's rights, fought to achieve a day of commemoration and tribute to mothers, proposing the second Sunday in May. Years later, in 1914, the president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson , proclaimed it official throughout the country, something that many other countries followed.

As a result of this declaration, in Spain it was decided to distinguish the day of the Immaculate Conception (December 8) from Mother's Day and establish the second in the month of May, as the United States had already done. It was in 1965 when it was moved to the first Sunday of May, as it was the month dedicated to the Virgin Mary, the maximum representation of motherhood for the Christian religion.

However, currently, Mother's Day is celebrated on different dates around the world, here we detail just a few:

  • March 8, coinciding with International Women's Day: Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania.
  • Fourth Sunday of Lent: Ireland, United Kingdom or Nigeria.
  • March 21: Egypt, Morocco, Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain.
  • April 7: Armenia.
  • First Sunday in May: Spain, Hungary, Portugal, Lithuania, Angola, South Africa.
  • Second Sunday in May: Germany, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, United States, Finland, Philippines, Greece, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Netherlands and a large part of South American countries.
  • May 8: South Korea.
  • May 10: India, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, Singapore, United Arab Emirates.
  • Last Sunday in May: France, Sweden, Tunisia, Haiti, Algeria.

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